Welcome to Soul Flower Healing

The name soul flower is derived from the idea that our soul can blossom through healing. Flowers are the most incredible creation they grow and recede and go dormant, then come back to life. They are a beautiful expression from nature that relates to how we as humans grow, recede, stagnate and grow some more. Life is an ever unfolding journey.  A soul, a human, a healing Journey that need not be taken alone.  

Soul Flower Healing is a blended healing modality that draws from various reiki principals as well as energy healing concepts and counselling skills. Through practice and channeling of divine healing light Soul Flower Healing has evolved to combine these skills,  in order to create unique healing sessions for each individual client.  

Taking a look at each individual holistically, we explore your health, relationships, work, daily activities and what could be manifesting into your reality. Understanding this then gives us the ability to work together in healing, re-aligning and supporting you. With this awareness we work together to make changes that better support you to move into a better space with understanding and awakened trust within yourself, bringing your body mind and soul back into balance and harmony. 

Awakened Awareness Healing

Awakened healing is a healing modality I have created that combines energy healing, reiki techniques, intuition, universal life force energy and divinity tools to locate and release any energy blockages or stored trauma in the body. 

This form of Energy Healing can help alleviate physical pain, mental and emotional stress.

Awakening your awareness to your own trauma and wounds. We feel into your body and find where you hold these feelings and allow you to release them. I work with you to bring them to the surface to be released or worked through. As your vibration is raised, your body will enter an internal harmonised state. Your energy will flow freely and you will become completely relaxed, putting you in the perfect space for healing to take place.

Session are available online or in person and usually last around 1 hr 30 to 2 Hrs

Healing through Counselling

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

Confucius (BQ)

Being in a space of full acceptance without judgement can be difficult to find. I offer counselling as an opportunity for you to really be heard. To break through your own blocks and receive tools for working through your feelings.

Session are available online or in person and usually last around 1 hr 30 to 2 hrs

Intuitive Readings

An Intuitive Reading is a specific attempt to discern information through the use of heightened perceptive abilities, or natural extensions of the basic human senses of sight, sound, touch , taste and instinct.”

Intuitive readings are such a beautiful way to get guidance for the now! Through insight and connection to your higher self we tap into what you need to be aware of in order to move forward in a more clear way. 

I use divinity tools such as a pendulum and various angel and oracle cards to help me ‘see’ where you are at and then give you tools to help you overcome any obstacles that might be emotionally blocking the way forward. 

Intuitive Readings are done online via email. 



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